
She reminds me a little of the chicks in the porn magazines we used to look at when we were kids. Their bushes may have been a little bigger though. Which reminds me.

When I was a boy it was fairly common to find porn magazines along the roadside in bags or even out in the woods. Me and my neighbor kids found a huge plastic bag full. Playboy, OUI, Penthouse, Adam all the big names of the day. Oh! and one other thing. There was a God damned matress out there. Yah! some fucking pervert. Probably the neighbor kid Keith, dragged a matress 3/4 of a mile (at least) so he could wack off.

As the age of the internet came along, I took a long look at my prized collection of porn. With a tear in my eye I packed them in a big plastic bag and hauled them out to the same woods where I found the porn. Some kid is going to think he won the porn lottery...... Ahhh! It feels good to give back to the community.

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