
That's quite the tight, little pussy. I can't imagine her even pissing out of that little box. Maybe it's like a Chinese finger trap. Oh sure! You can put it in just fine but wait until you try to pull it out. Oh fuck!.. The panic sets in as you realize that you're going to need medical professionals to get you out of there.


The pussy that just 15 minutes earlier you looked at as if it were heaven, has now become a hellish nightmare. Yeah! Maybe you should have fucked the fatass nextdoor. She has an enormous fucking gash but at least you could get the hell out of it when you're done with it.

Maybe you'd have been better off if you stayed home altogether and masturbated. There's an old saying that applies to the hilarious situation that you're in right now. "If it's too good to be true, it is."

Too embarrassed to call for help, you contemplate cutting it off and leaving it behind as you make an escape. No! That's too brutal and you would welcome death before that crazy bullshit. You're going to have to figure out how to get to the phone and call an ambulance. Good Luck. Ha Ha.



Thought I'd share with you guys, hope you had a good weekend too!


I'll add them to Midnight Special Album with some of the others of her


Just want to share these beautiful bouncy titties this morning. Cum and enjoy


Not sure if I'll keep her album now that it is over but you guys did enjoy cummin to her


That cum face


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